The highly anticipated animated series, Iwájú is set to air on DStv, Disney Channel (Channel 303), and GOtv Channel 92. Iwájú will air each weekday from Monday, 22 – 26 April at 4 pm with a marathon on Saturday, 27 April from 1 pm and the final episode at 4 pm.
Iwájú is an original animated series set in a futuristic Lagos, Nigeria. The exciting coming-of-age story follows Tola, a young girl from a wealthy island, and her best friend, Kole, a self-taught tech expert, as they discover the secrets and dangers hidden in their different worlds. The miniseries promises to take viewers on a journey, bursting with unique visual elements and technological advancements inspired by the spirit of Lagos.
Iwájú features a stellar cast including Simisola Gbadamosi, Dayo Okeniyi, Femi Branch, Siji Soetan, Bisola Aiyeola, and Weruche Opia, among others.
Dr. Busola Tejumola, Head of Content and Channels, West Africa at MultiChoice, affirmed the platform’s commitment to delivering satisfying content to viewers.
“We are excited to bring Iwájú to our audiences as a testament to MultiChoice’s dedication to providing quality entertainment. We recognize the importance of offering diverse titles that reflect the unique cultural identity of Africa while also pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. By airing Iwájú, we aim to entertain, inspire, and uplift our viewers, fostering a deeper connection with our rich heritage and empowering narratives,” she remarked.
“Iwájú” is a first-of-its-kind collaboration with Pan-African entertainment company, Kugali Media. It’s written and directed by Olufikayo “Ziki” Adeola, with Hamid Ibrahim as production designer and Tolu Olowofoyeku as cultural consultant, with screenplay by Adeola and Halima Hudson from Disney Animation.
“We created ‘Iwájú’ as a love letter to Lagos, Nigeria, and an ode to the rich legacy of African storytelling,” said writer and director Olufikayo Ziki Adeola. “We’re proud to share this series and hope that it inspires more Africans across the world to share their stories and shape our collective narrative.”
Before now, Iwaju was only set to debut on Disney+ for global audiences as the streaming platform is not available to viewers in Nigeria. The animation showing on the Disney Channel on both DStv and GOtv now means Nigerian audiences will have access to it.
For viewers who miss the initial airing, repeat broadcasts will run daily from Monday, 29 April – Saturday, 4 May with a marathon on Sunday, 5 May from 12:35 pm. Additionally, a special marathon celebrating African Day will air on May 25th, starting at 10:00 am.
Disney channel is available on DStv Premium, Compact Plus, and Compact packages, and on the GOtv Supa Plus package for audiences eager to watch Iwájú.